Applewood Drywall makes the move to color

Listen to Todd Eckert speak about his experience with BPI Color

Todd Eckert and the Applewood Drywall team trusted BPI Colors recommendation on equipment and the use of color. Take a few minutes and hear from Todd int he above video, read Todd’s letter to our President, Steve Mueller and listen to Kimberly, from Applewood Drywalls perspective on BPI Color.


You were 100% correct in telling us the KIP Color Plotter was the right tool at the right time to save us time and money.

Before we put the KIP 860 in service we were giving our field crews black/white prints with shades of gray for constructing and installing multiple types of wall finishes and ceilings at a project. Shades of black/gray do not commute well. From time to time we would end up with the wrong finishes being installed which cost us real money and time to re-work. With the labor pool tightening time has become our most important resource so re-work has become very costly.

So we bit the bullet and agreed to try your KIP color printer. I am thrilled to report that in a word, it has been GREAT and a big time and money saver!

We now print all our plans in color, with each finish and ceiling type being assigned its own unique color.  This has helped eliminate product misunderstandings. As a result, the potential for errors on installations has been drastically reduced because we can now communicate with 100% clarity.  This is HUGE for your staff, no matter what ones “blueprint” reading skills are. Color is faultless it provides instant visual recognition every time!

Your recommendation has saved us untold thousands of dollars and helped our install teams to be more productive.  This is due to the reduction in errors and time spent correcting those errors.

At the outset you told us the savings would be an intangible number. You were right, but I can tell you with 100% certainty the savings and increased productivity is tangible to Applewood.  The result is more work being completed, more profitability and more satisfied customers because we are delivering more jobs.

Thanks again for committing to us that printing in color would save us time and money!

Todd Eckhart
Sn. Estimator
Applewood Drywall
262 524 0500

P.S. If you have any customers on the fence about the potential value of color, don’t hesitate to have them call me.